1. What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis puts an individual into a relaxed and meditative state of mind. It is a way to access your subconscious mind. Some people may feel more relaxed than others but regardless, the session is effective.

2. Is it scary?

Not at all. You are always in full control. You can talk, move, cry, laugh. Remember that you are only reviewing a particular scene in your life, not reliving it.

3. How soon can I see results?

Results vary from person to person and can come in one of 3 ways:

  • Immediately after the session.
  • Gradually, over a period of time.
  • Retroactive changes that take a bit longer. When you look back you realize how much you’ve changed since the session.

​Please remember to trust the process and do not be alarmed if you do not see immediate results. Different issues are processed at different speeds by the mind.

4. Are results guaranteed?

It is important to come to the session fully committed to the process and the desire to transform. No professional can guarantee a result, however, please read the testimonials to see what previous clients have to say.

5. How will I feel after the session?

Individuals process things differently. Some people continue to feel relaxed and lighter, while some may feel excited with the realization that they have had an epiphany during the session. The effects may last for a few days.

6. Is there a difference between face to face and online sessions?

There is no difference in effectiveness between an in-person and online session.

7. How do I book a session with you?

Please choose a time slot by clicking on this Calendly link: https://calendly.com/hackyourmindset